Aliza and the spooky land : Dreaded witch of Chandra Vihar

In a remote Indian village, nestled amidst dense forests and misty hills, a sinister legend loomed large over the community. It was the tale of the dreaded witch of Chandra Vihar, a malevolent sorceress believed to be the source of all misfortune that had befallen the village for generations. Amidst the fear and superstition, lived a young and fearless girl named Aliza. With her bright eyes and fiery spirit, she was known for her curiosity and her unwavering belief in the power of good. Aliza had grown up hearing stories of the witch, but she refused to accept that someone could be so wicked without reason. One fateful day, a series of unfortunate events struck the village, and the blame once again fell on the witch. Aliza, moved by the suffering of her neighbors, decided to investigate. Armed with a lantern and her unyielding determination, she ventured into the dark forest, where the witch was said to dwell. As Aliza navigated the thickets and shadows, she stumbled upon an eeri...